Change Management

Change Management – What Is It?

Providing your employees with new tools does not always mean they will actually use them every day. You can accomplish that goal by skillfully managing change, primarily in order to disseminate the information according to your needs. Change management involves demonstrating ways of using new tools; announcing new communication channels, and the accompanying advantages. Workshops and training seminars constitute vital components of the process since they support and facilitate practical implementation of the new solution.

Communicate the Change

All the employees in your organization should learn what the new tool does, as well as find out how and why they can benefit from it. We will plan and coordinate communication using various methods, including emails, posters, fliers, banners, stickers, and posts. We will arrange events promoting implementation of the new solution to enhance its ready acceptance.

Transformation Labs

Transformation Labs are workshops we conduct with some selected employees from the key departments of your organization so that we can understand how your organization operates and learn about the most popular work methods you employ. In this way, having gained valuable insight into your business processes, we can implement changes and reach the adopted goals quickly and effectively.


We will hold training seminars tailored specifically to selected user groups so as to teach them what they need most. We are qualified to offer technical seminars for IT departments, training for the company management, as well as end user instructions. We develop individual coursework based on specific needs of the targeted group and thus assure that the users obtain knowledge they will really be able to apply in their everyday work.

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