Regulations of the Seiloc website

These regulations (hereinafter: “Regulations”) have been drawn up by SEILOC SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ (limited liability company), with its registered office in Bielsko-Biała, to specify the rules of provision of services via the Website run at the following address: https://seiloc.com/ (hereinafter: “Website” or “Site”) and the functionalities offered via such Site.


  1. The entity running the Website is SEILOC SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ (limited liability company), with its registered office in Bielsko-Biała, Aleja Armii Krajowej 220, 43-316 Bielsko-Biała, entered to the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Bielsko-Biała, 8th Economic Division of the National Court Register (KRS), under the KRS No.: 0000393981, with NIP (Tax Identification Number): 5472138116 and REGON (Statistical Number): 242637477, share capital of PLN 40,000.00, phone: +48 33 488 0250, email: tos@seiloc.com   (hereinafter: “SEILOC”).
  2. The Website operates in accordance with the rules specified in these Regulations that particularly define the rights and obligations of the Users related to their use of the Site.
  3. Before starting to use the Website, every User is obliged to carefully read these Regulations. If the User starts to use the Site, it means that they acknowledge that they have read these Regulations and are obliged to observe its provisions.
  4. The information published on the Site does not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code, but is only an invitation to conclude an agreement in accordance with Article 71 of the Civil Code.


Whenever the following notions are used in these Regulations, they should be understood as follows:

  • Civil Code – the Act of 23 April 1964 on the Civil Code;
  • SEILOC – SEILOC SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ (limited liability company), with its registered office in Bielsko-Biała, Aleja Armii Krajowej 220, 43-316 Bielsko-Biała, entered to the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Bielsko-Biała, 8th Economic Division of the National Court Register (KRS), under the KRS No.: 0000393981, with NIP (Tax Identification Number): 5472138116 and REGON (Statistical Number): 242637477, share capital of PLN 40,000.00, phone: +48 33 488 0250, email: tos@seiloc.com
  • Site, Website – a website kept electronically via the Internet at the address: https://seiloc.com/;
  • Act on the Provision of Services by Electronic Means – Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means;
  • User – a natural person, a legal person or an organisational unit without legal personality which is granted legal capacity by special regulations that uses the services provided by SEILOC via the Site; In the case of natural persons, the User may only be an adult.


  1. The use of the Website is voluntary and available to all Users.
  2. The use of the Site requires an active connection of the User’s device to the Internet. The requirements for network connection are different for every device, but in any case it is necessary to use the correctly installed web browser. At the same time it is recommended to use the latest version of the operating system and the web browser.
  3. The use of some functionalities of the Site requires from the User having an active email account.
  4. SEILOC is not liable for any technical problems related to the equipment or software used by the User or for any problems with the Internet used by the User.
  5. The User is obliged to use the Website in accordance with its intended use, in a way consistent with the contents of these Regulations, the provisions of the commonly applicable law and the rules of social coexistence.
  6. While using the Website, it is particularly prohibited:
    1. for the Users to provide unlawful contents,
    2. for the Users to violate, in any way, the personal rights of other Users, SEILOC and its employees and persons affiliated with it,
    3. in places intended for the provision of personal data, it is prohibited for the Users to enter false personal data, including particularly personal data of another person,
    4. for the Users to undertake actions aimed at any interference with the functioning and software of the Site, including particularly hacking actions aimed to break the security measures of the website, place any files, apps or software having negative impact on other users, SEILOC or the Site (the so-called viruses, Trojan horses, bugs, backdoors, malware),
    5. for the User to undertake actions causing disturbances in the operation or overload of the ICT system of SEILOC or other entities directly or indirectly participating in the provision of services by electronic means by SEILOC.
  7. The use of the Website may be temporarily hindered or prevented in the case of occurrence of technical problems or temporary shutdown of access to the Site due to its modernisation or improvement of functionalities.


  1. SEILOC provides the following types of services for the Users via the Website (hereinafter: “Services provided by electronic means”):
    1. Contact form,
    2. Form for ordering an ebook,

    within the scope provided for in these Regulations.

  2. The services provided by electronic means are free of charge.
  3. The use of the services requires the completion of a relevant interactive form where you should:
    1. enter the necessary data,
    2. truthfully confirm that you have read these Regulations, the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy, and accept all their provisions,
    3. give the necessary consents.
  4. By completing the forms the User gives their consent to the processing of their personal data for the purpose of handling their query or submission in line with the rules set forth in the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy.


  1. SEILOC enables the Users to order a free ebook on the services offered by SEILOC.
  2. The Users may order the ebook by completing a dedicated interactive Order Form.


  1. Any complaints regarding the Services provided by electronic means may be submitted electronically to the email address: tos@seiloc.com or in writing to the address: SEILOC Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Bielsko-Biała, Aleja Armii Krajowej 220, 43-316 Bielsko-Biała.
  2. SEILOC shall promptly consider the complaint, but not later than within 14 days from the date of its receipt, and shall respond to it in the same form in which it has received the complaint.
  3. The submitted complaint should include contact data of the claimant that enable the provision of response to the complaint.
  4. The response to the complaint shall include the resolution of the complaint with substantiation, and possibly the intended/ undertaken remedial actions.


  1. The personal data provided by the Users while using the Site are processed in accordance with the provisions of the generally applicable law, that is particularly the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the so-called “GDPR,” the Polish Act on Personal Data Protection and the Polish Act on the Provision of Services by Electronic Means.
  2. The Controller of personal data provided via the Site is SEILOC SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ (limited liability company), with its registered office in Bielsko-Biała, Aleja Armii Krajowej 220, 43-316 Bielsko-Biała, entered to the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Bielsko-Biała, 8th Economic Division of the National Court Register (KRS), under the KRS No.: 0000393981, with NIP (Tax Identification Number): 5472138116 and REGON (Statistical Number): 242637477, share capital of PLN 40,000.00, phone: +48 33 488 0250, email: tos@seiloc.com
  3. The detailed rules of personal data processing, including particularly the rights of the User in that regard, as well as the bases for data processing are presented to the Users when they provide their personal data (e.g. the User can learn about the rules of data protection before completing the form) and later are available at any time in the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy.
  4. As part of the functioning of the Site, the information included in the cookie files of the User is gathered automatically to ensure the correct operation of the Site, as well as maintain and increase its functionalities, and conduct external advertising campaigns. More information in that regard is available in the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy.


  1. In all matters related to the use of the Site by the User and the performance of concluded agreements, SEILOC shall contact the User via email at the email address indicated by them.
  2. For matters not provided for in these Regulations, the commonly applicable provisions of the Polish law shall apply.
  3. For matters arisen in relation to the provision of services by electronic means and covered by these Regulations, the governing law shall be the Polish law.
  4. Any disputes arising from the use of the Site by the Users shall be resolved amicably by the Parties.
  5. If any provision of these Regulations is or becomes invalid, the remaining provisions of the Regulations shall be effective, unless the circumstances indicate that, without the invalid provisions, the action would not be completed. The Parties shall promptly enter into negotiations in order to replace the invalid provisions with a provision that is as close as possible to the intention of the invalid provision.
  6. SEILOC may change or update these Regulations, particularly in order to:
    1. consider changes in the services or in the mode of conducting the operations (e.g. new services, functions, technologies or benefits),
    2. consider changes arising from legal or security regulations,
    3. prevent abuse or damage.
  7. The archive versions of the Regulations are available to the User at any time.
  8. SEILOC provides the following contact data: SEILOC Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Bielsko-Biała, Aleja Armii Krajowej 220, 43-316 Bielsko-Biała, phone: +48 33 488 0250, email: tos@seiloc.com