Workplace by Meta

Communicate Quickly, Easily and Securely.

Workplace by Facebook is your own corporate social network for sharing information and files. With Workplace you can access and use Facebook functionalities without fretting about data flow security. You can work on a number of projects simultaneously, organize events, and communicate efficiently with popular tools, such as chats or videoconferencing. Work from any device and cut the time it takes to bring your products to the market.

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Chat conveniently using text, voice, and video messages. Automate everyday tasks by employing bots and boost your productivity.

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Make sure your corporate communication channels are fully secure. Workplace bases rely on Facebook data centers which store data of more than one billion individuals.


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Live streaming

Workplace by Facebook allows you to share videos online in real time. Stay in touch with all or selected individuals in your company.



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Collaborate with Individuals not Associated with Your Company

Invite employees of other companies to work with you in order to excel and become more creative. And put yet another feather in your cap!

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