The best IT solutions professionally implemented for your company.

Thanks to the advanced Cloud technologies running your business will be easier than ever before. Congratulations!

About us

We offer services tailor-made to any customer’s needs. Tell us what your company needs and we will deliver the right solution. Seiloc portfolio includes solutions designed by IT sector leaders which we have been implementing for our customers’ organizations since 2010. We have long been Google’s partner and one of the leading Cloud technology providers worldwide.

Do you know that 7 out of 10 Seiloc customers have been referred to us by happy clients?

Seiloc partners with the largest IT players in the market, such as Microsoft, Facebook, or DocuSign. Our customers include global corporations as well as small and medium-sized companies but our commitment always remains the same, regardless of whether your business is large or small. We always put the customer’s needs and business objectives first.

Among our greatest successes we count a project we made for one of the major advertising portals which required simultaneous deployment in as many as 18 countries, thus proving our high efficiency. Take advantage of Seiloc potential and use it for your company’s needs.