Comprehensive implementation of Cloud solutions

Success story: Interkadra

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Operating since 2006 and with 20 offices throughout the country, Interkadra ranks among the top ten recruitment and personnel consulting agencies in Poland which provide services to both international organizations, as well as medium and small enterprises, with openings in various EU countries. In recognition of its results and competencies, Interkadra has won a number of prestigious distinctions in numerous industry competitions and rankings, such as Forbes Diamonds (in 2014 and 2016), Skrzydła Biznesu [The Wings of Business], and Perły Polskiej Gospodarki [The Pearls of Polish Economy].


Until the new solution was implemented, the entire staff had communicated using the company e-mail system, which resulted in their e-mail boxes filling up rapidly and requiring large amounts of time to manage the incoming mail. In addition, the employees used locally installed applications to create documents and files, making online cooperation unfeasible; the files were then saved on the company server, which contributed to yet longer delays. The need to stay connected to the local network precluded remote contact, thus reducing the work efficiency of the company even further.


When the Management contacted Seiloc, the latter suggested migrating the existing e-mail resources to the Cloud and implementing Google G Suite technology. A comprehensive package of communication tools that also included applications for generating documents, spreadsheets, forms and company websites, proved to be the ideal solution for Interkadra needs. The combination of the online cooperation option for working with files, a shared Cloud location, and the ability to use mobile devices represented an additional incentive. To assure an amenable acceptance of the novel solution, the Seiloc team held a training seminar teaching the staff how to use their customized G Suite version. Interkadra personnel also had access to a dedicated www website, which contained necessary training materials prepared by Seiloc.


Google Technology met with ready acceptance at Interkadra: a number of employees were already familiar with consumer versions of the G Suite environment, thereby further facilitating the introduction process. Currently, Interkadra people actively utilize the G Suite in the course of daily routine work. Google sites allow them how to disseminate information to various company departments with great speed, Forms facilitate consumer satisfaction surveys, while Spreadsheets and the online editing option make joint preparation of various reports and reviews even more efficient and manageable. In place of the former practice of forwarding files individually as email attachments, employees now share common access to them, thus further optimizing communication and preventing inbox overload. Some communications have been moved to Instant Messenger, which can also coordinate meetings and online training. “We were keen to become more mobile and to be able to share files and work on them together,” says Internal Control and European Funds Specialist. “Right now, most of us use G Suite-integrated smartphones, so that geographical location no longer poses a limiting factor. We can finalize partially completed spreadsheets via our smartphones and not lose any sleep over it.” He also emphasizes that Google Technology contributed to overall cost optimization and increased work efficiency.

Customer comments

Right now, most of us use G Suite-integrated smartphones, so that geographical location no longer poses a limiting factor. We can finalize partially completed spreadsheets via our smartphones and not lose any sleep over it.

Internal Control and European Funds Specialist