GAT Labs

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Automation for Google Workspace

Control your cloud environment as if it were on your own LAN with GAT’s powerful management and reporting capabilities!

View all user files as if they were on a single Drive and all user Emails as if they were on a single server. Remove file shares or emails with the click of a button.

Data protection

Every single tool we offer provides its own unique insights.

Starting with GAT+ (our core tool) which gives you deeper domain understanding from data that’s otherwise overlooked — Enjoy outstanding data analysis covering all aspects of team operations and collaboration.

GAT Shield not only ensures a 360° protective shield for your domain, its rich dashboard also displays every Chrome interaction in one place.

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Employee Productivity

Admins can also use GAT Shield to monitor almost every aspect of user behaviour while the user is online.

Chosen admins have full transparency into daily organisational processes.

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Security and Compliance

Its sophisticated security management mechanism allows you to perform security tasks in bulk.

The best part? These tasks can only be accomplished with the active input of at least 2 people in the organisation – an Administrator and Security Officer.

Additionally, GAT Flow allows admins to build workflows and modify tasks in bulk.

Cloud security

We’re continuously adding new security features, in addition to our core product GAT+.

We highly prioritise our customer’s domain security – that’s why we offer the highest security model in the Google Workspace environment.

ActiveID is the first zero-trust solution for all your web based cloud applications in the Google Workspace environment. It covers all sites users visit while authenticated against Google Workspace in Chrome.

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Powerful Automation

GAT Flow allows users to skip manual user Onboarding, Offboarding and modification steps and save precious time.

Build multiple workflows from action sets and save those workflows for future use – It’s that quick and simple. Our automation process covers almost every traditional repetitive task.

GAT Flow covers everything. From welcome emails and email signatures, to pre-loading files, pre-populating contacts and much more…

Every department in your organization can have its own unique workflow, and every workflow can be fed individual user names or a list from a sheet.

Get a FREE trial and see for yourself what you can achieve with GAT — We’ll happily extend your trial if you need more time.

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